Why You Should Never Ignore A Toothache

Wellspring Dental

Are your teeth feeling sensitive lately? Whether it’s dull, periodic pain or ongoing sensitivity, a toothache should never be ignored. Tooth sensitivity can occur as a symptom of a more serious oral condition, which is why maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine is so important. Tooth pain can make it difficult to work, eat and enjoy daily life– If a troublesome toothache has brought you to this blog, you’ve come to the right place. Check out our short brief on some of the common causes of tooth sensitivity below!

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

Tooth sensitivity occurs when the nerve in the root of the tooth– or around the tooth is irritated. How do these nerves become irritated? Well, the most common reasons derive from a tooth infection, decay, injury or tooth loss. When these things happen, it is often a result of bacteria build up, which contributes to unhealthy teeth– resulting in pain and sensitivity. 

Why You Should Never Ignore A Toothache

It’s normal to have aches and pains from time to time, however a toothache is always a clear signal to schedule a dental checkup. Because tooth sensitivity is commonly a result of an ongoing oral condition, it’s important to understand what those conditions are and how to recognize them. 

Gum Disease

Periodontitis, commonly known as gum disease, begins as bacterial growth in your mouth which can lead to tooth loss and tissue destruction if not properly treated. As your gums shrink away from your teeth, your roots become exposed causing greater sensitivity. While most gum recession comes from poor oral hygiene, you also can damage your gums if you brush too hard or use abrasive toothpastes too often.


Cavities occur when the hard surface of your tooth is permanently damaged, leaving behind tiny openings or holes. Cavities are a result of tooth decay, which is caused by a combination of poor oral hygiene, bacteria buildup, frequent snacking or a sugary diet. Cavities leave the tooth more susceptible to sensitivity, and when not properly treated, can result in tooth loss. 

Worn Down Enamel

While some tooth sensitivity comes from poor oral hygiene, another common cause is worn down enamel. How does this happen? Grinding or clenching your teeth in your sleep! This is a common problem brought on by stress, sleep disorders, or bite issues– but fortunately there are custom night guards just for that!  

Wisdom Teeth?

Whether you are a teenager or an adult, wisdom teeth can make their debut at nearly any stage of life. Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to come down in the mouth– and when they do, they can bring pain and sensitivity with them. When wisdom teeth are descending, they can put pressure on your surrounding teeth, causing them to shift. This shifting, similar to if you had braces as a child, can be painful and disruptive to your daily life. Often, it is recommended that wisdom teeth are removed to avoid problems like this in the future. 

If you are concerned about a toothache, or are experiencing a dental emergency, we encourage you to reach out to our team to schedule an oral exam! We understand that tooth sensitivity of any kind can make people a little anxious– or maybe even a little too scared to call the dentist. At Wellspring Dental, we want you to know that you are in the very best hands. We count it as a privilege to be trusted with your dental care and look forward to taking care of you! Don’t let a toothache steal your limelight, let’s stop sensitivity in its tracks. 

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