Retained baby canine teeth. Implants #6 and #11 placed by a periodontist, restored at wellspring with porcelain crowns.

Extraction of hopeless teeth, light Invisalign to level out remaining teeth while implants placed by a periodontist and healed. Full mouth reconstruction of natural teeth and implants with porcelain crowns.

Congenitally missing upper lateral incisors, traditional orthodontics to align and create adequate space for #7 and #10, implants placed by a periodontist, restored lateral incisors with porcelain implant crowns and porcelain veneers on 8/9 central incisors.

Restored old broken down bondings, recession, wear, and congenitally small (peg) laterals with 10 veneers.

Congenitally missing canine #6 with old failing bonded bridge and other old composites. Invisalign, upper gum grafting by a periodontist, a combination of 10 porcelain veneers, and a new bridge.

Severe wear and recession, gum grafting with periodontist, 16 porcelain veneers, and crowns to restore form and function with an amazing aesthetic overhaul.

Invisalign express

Repaired fractured tooth with composite bonding and then 6 months of Invisalign.

Tom L.
Single veneer #7

A lifetime of wear and tear and bite issues. Full mouth reconstructions with porcelain crowns and bridges, and lower anterior composite bonding.

Old broken down restorations and decay, invisalign to level out bite and planes, composite bonding on lower anterior, everything else is porcelain crowns.

Enhanced and refreshed smile design with upper veneers.